The ultimate AI assistant for grading assignments.

Grade assignments 10x faster and provide personalized writing feedback. GradeWrite streamlines grading process with bulk-grading, auto-checkers, AI re-grades, custom rubrics, and much more.

App screenshot
Bulk uploads and 5000 word limit per assignment
Transform your grading efficiency with our powerful bulk grading capabilities, designed to handle multiple submissions effortlessly.
Auto Checkers
Easily flag assignments for detectable issues like word count, rubric adherence, and originality checks, saving precioius time.
Interactive Grading Experience
Leverage our AI-powered grading assistant to streamline the feedback process, with options for manual edits and AI-suggested improvements.
Enhanced Writing Feedback
Get human-like writing feedback from our AI, enhancing students' learning experience with constructive, personalized suggestions.
Custom Rubrics
Create and implement custom rubrics tailored to your grading standards, ensuring a personalized and accurate assessment process.
Side by side experience
See the original submission and AI-generated feedback side by side, ensuring a seamless grading experience.
Developed in collaboration with educators from:
Stanford UniversityUniversity of Miami

How It Works

Seamless, Interactive Grading with AI

Leverage the AI grading co-pilot to streamline your grading process with AI-powered precision and ease that helps you grade 10x faster.

Step 1 - Upload for Instant Assignment Analysis
Simply upload student assignments to GradeWrite.AI. Our system immediately performs a comprehensive analysis, checking word count, relevancy, and AI-generated content, while providing a succinct summary to verify assignment adherence.
Step 2 - Automated Feedback Generation
The AI swiftly generates detailed feedback for each submission, pinpointing areas for writing improvement and correcting grammatical errors. This step ensures a high standard of review, offering students clear, constructive guidance.
Step 3 - Initial Teacher/Professor Review
Conduct an initial review of the AI-generated suggestions. At a glance, you will see auto-checks for word count, relevancy, summary of the assignment, plagirism detection. This gives you a quick overview, ensuring the feedback is on the right track and aligns with your expectations.
Step 4 - Iterate, Enhance, and Approve
Review and refine the AI suggestions to align with your unique teaching style and standards. You can easily edit the feedback manually, or refresh the AI grading feedback. This step ensures that the feedback is accurate and relevant, while saving you time and effort.

Features and Benefits

Why GradeWrite GradeWrite.AI?

Bulk uploads and 5000+ word limit

Grade 10x faster with streamlined grading

GradeWrite AI's bulk upload feature allows you to upload multiple files at once, saving you time and effort. Our system also supports files up to 3000 words, allowing you to grade longer assignments with ease. Additionally, our side-by-side grading feature allows you to view the original submission and the AI-generated feedback simultaneously, ensuring a seamless grading experience.

Bulk uploads and 5000+ word limit

AI enhanced, custom writing feedback

Iterate feedback with AI-generated suggestions

Use GradeWrite.AI’s AI-generated feedback to quickly and easily generate detailed, constructive feedback. You can easily iterate on this feedback by editing it, or refreshing AI feedback. This feature not only saves you time, but also helps students improve their writing skills. Our AI-generated feedback is designed to enhance your feedback, not replace it.

AI enhanced, custom writing feedback

Side by side view of original submission and AI-generated feedback

Easily see original submission and AI-generated feedback

GradeWrite.AI’s side-by-side view allows you to easily compare the original submission and the AI-generated feedback. This feature ensures that you don’t miss any important details, while saving you time and effort.

Side by side view of original submission and AI-generated feedback

Auto-checkers for word count, AI detection, and rubric adherence

Flag issues early with auto-checkers

GradeWrite.AI’s auto-checkers ensure that every submission meets your standards. Our system checks for word count, AI detection, and rubric adherence, flagging any issues early in the grading process. This allows you to focus on the most important aspects of grading, while ensuring that every submission meets your standards.

Auto-checkers for word count, AI detection, and rubric adherence

Auto-summaries of assignments for quick review

Get a quick overview of assignments

GradeWrite.AI’s auto-summaries provide a quick overview of each assignment, allowing you to quickly review submissions. This feature saves you time and effort, while ensuring that you don’t miss any important details.

Auto-summaries of assignments for quick review

Automated grammar and spelling checks (beta)

Allow students to submit polished work

Say goodbye to manual proofreading with our automated grammar and spelling check feature. This tool ensures every submission is polished and error-free, saving time and enhancing the quality of student work.

Automated grammar and spelling checks (beta)

Custom rubrics to teach AI how to grade

Flexible Custom Rubrics

Create custom rubrics that align with your specific grading criteria. This feature allows you to tailor the AI’s grading process to match your unique teaching style, ensuring consistent and personalized assessments.

Custom rubrics to teach AI how to grade

Streamline your grading process, today

Grade assignments 10x faster and provide personalized writing feedback with AI. GradeWrite streamlines grading process with bulk-grading, auto-checkers, AI re-grades, custom rubrics, and much more.

Frequently asked questions